Hollinger Technical Publications Inc.
Writing, editing, illustrating, and publishing technical content.

Writing, editing, illustrating, and publishing technical content.
Hollinger Technical Publications, Inc. is a technical publication services company located in York, PA. Our company's main business is the writing, editing, illustrating, and production of technical documentation. We specialize in producing technical manuals for marine and military refrigeration and air conditioning equipment but can provide technical manuals, illustrations, parts catalogs, engineering drawings, and sales literature to support equipment manufactured in any industry. This documentation can be produced and provided in a variety of forms including hard copy, electronic media, and on the internet.
Hollinger Technical Publications, Inc. has been providing high quality technical documentation to our customers for over 32 years. We have produced over 400 military and commercial technical manuals covering all types of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. The majority of these manuals have been produced to the strictest military standards. We have also written and edited technical manuals covering the installation and use of factory automation software and have converted existing software documentation to context-sensitive HTML Help. Our full range of professional services include:
Technical Writing
Technical Illustrating
Parts Catalogs
Sales Literature